Joshua Tree 2019

Joshua Tree 2019

Back for a second go round Here I am back in Joshua Tree National Park during February with Don Messec from Making Art Safely in Santa Fe. It’s my second “on location” platinum/palladium (pt/pd) printing workshop in the park with Don and just a load of fun. He packs up the Epson printers loaded with piezograhy inks for making negatives plus all the chemistry, trays, brushes, etc for making prints. His next location trip is the Big Island of Hawaii. Wouldn’t want to pay the baggage fees for that trip. Jim Hamstra was back as mentor and kibitzer. Jim has Read more »

Ancient Olive Trees in Crisis

Ancient Olive Trees in Crisis

Journey to Puglia Lynn and I traveled to Italy with our friends Joe and Mary in September of 2017. After a night out in Rome we met up with our Italian friends and tour guides, Stefania and Orazio of Casa Stefazio fame. They planned and accompanied us for a journey around the Puglia region. We were treated to so much good food – too much really. And we drank our fair share of wine as well. There were so many wonderful overnight stays in places we would never have found on our own. Our stay was for 2 weeks but Read more »

Lynn & Charles headed Down Under in 2018

Lynn & Charles headed Down Under in 2018

A long flight and recuperating in Sydney Lynn and I took advantage of a United sale and headed “Down Under” in early September to explore the East Coast. A 16 hour direct to Sydney flight is a little more bearable when you’re setting up front. A couple of glasses of bubbly, a little whiskey, wine, and an ice cream sundae certainly encourages napping. We spent three nights in Sydney which let us hit the normal tourist spots and museums with all the other tourists. We also managed to get a little way off the beaten path to places like Paddington Read more »

Focused on Creating a Real Black & White Print

Focused on Creating a Real Black & White Print

So I’m retired, now what? For the past two years or so I’ve been focused on creating a good black & white print much more than a color print. Call it getting back to my roots. My spousal unit may not be completely happy with that but she is supportive as always. I post images in half a dozen Facebook groups, my Instagram account, and lately in SmugMug. That’s fine because it reaches a bigger audience than trapping friends with a slideshow. But at least we give them food and drinks so they tolerate me, I hope. In the end Read more »